So today I had the privilege of doing what we, "on the hill" or "in the District" call...telecommuting. Have you heard of it? It means you get to work at your jammies...with no make-up...listening to Christmas music...Lovin' it!!
Anyway, while this was a planned telecommute day for me, the timing was perfect with all the snow outside and me not having to drive in it. BTW, I use the term "all the snow" in the context of being a Texan. I realize that those of you from Minnesota are laughing at me!
Anyway, I actually was pretty productive from about 0600 until 1330 (that's 1:30 pm for you civilians...who had to an office..with your clothes on...wearing make-up) when I looked outside to see all three boys (yes, that means Jay) pulling a sled around the yard and throwing snow at each other. Right about this time, I was regretting not having real clothes on, so I just took pictures. However, at about 1600 (4:00pm) we did dash out for a family run/bike in the snow. Our plan was for 4-5 miles but only got about a mile before Cael crashed on his bike for the fourth time and exclaimed that he now hates snow! So we made snow angels, which he thought was pretty cool, then had a snow ball fight until everyone was cold and wet, but laughing hard...then we walked back home. Great exercise, I say!
Below are the pictures from the first event today (the back yard was not nearly as snowy as the front), followed by hot chocolate to warm up. There's nothing that warm chocolate and melty marshmallows won't solve. Wish you were here!
Camping trip and multicultural parade
11 years ago