Monday, March 4, 2013

First far

So dinner showed the little fella starting to loosen up...just ever so slightly...still kept a scowl on his face and, at first, refused to eat anything. He only wanted to sip water.

Let me back up. Our guide invited us to meet with three other families for dinner (all from TEXAS!!). They wanted to try one of the local Cantonese restaurants, so we tagged along, hoping for any break through.
On the walk over, he almost smiled at me (kinda lifted one corner of his mouth) before he realized what he was doing.

During dinner, he refused to eat anything, shaking his head repeatedly at anything we offered...but then the fried noodles came out. BINGO! He's a noodle man! He didn't seem to want to touch it, at first, but you'll note in the pictures below that he was digging in, literally, at the end.

When we got back to the room, he was still in the, "don't take any of my clothes off" mode...until I showed him the bathtub. At first, he wasn't sure what to think, but then willingly let me strip him down and put him in the warm water. He was not at all sure what to think about the bubbles I had put in there and kept trying to shake them off of his hands and feet (Yes! Finally saw the feet and apparently has had some surgery there, too) I think this really relaxed him (may have had something to do with the lavender bubbles). He let me roll him up in a towel and rub him down with lotion.....he smelled so good when I was done with him!

Next a clean set of jammies and he crawled right in our bed (wanted nothing to do with the crib in the room). We allowed it and he was asleep soon after Jay! Eventually, he kicked us both out! So, at 0200, Jay is working on his paper (note Command Central, in the photo) and I'm writing to you!

Later this morning we will return to Civil Affairs to complete the adoption paperwork, then hopefully a trip to the market to pick up a few odds and ends for the rest of our stay. I'm anxious to see how he does at breakfast. The report is that he loves eggs...guess we'll find out!


  1. So happy and proud for you Ferlands. Praying for a quick and easy transition. Coy, Joy and Family

  2. Aww, I'm so glad he was warming up slowly but surely. It would be difficult for anyone to leave everything that's familiar, but children are so amazingly resilient - especially when they're showered with love!
