Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Cael's Stats

With the latest pictures we received measurements as well. I realized that I forgot to post them along with the pictures.

Weight...36.31 lbs

We are hoping to to be with Cael to celebrate his 5th birthday -- April 9th. Hopefully everything will fall into place so that we can.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Still Waiting...

Hello All...I decided to post to let everyone know that we STILL do not have a Travel Authorization (TA). When we were finally able to get some information from our agency, we found out that our travel will more than likely be pushed back to "the latter part of March". In an effort to be "anxious for nothing", we are working around the house to clean out closets of clothes, shoes, etc. that have not been worn since our last move!
I would like to say thank you to our dear friends Barbara and Dennis for a terrific visit last week! We have not seen them for many years and it was a awesome break from the day to day! The picture above is in honor of their gift of all the Navy gear that we wore to the Texas Bowl in Houston on New Year's Eve (USNA vs Mizzou)...Yeah, Navy Won!!
I would also like to thank our neighbor Carolyn for cleaning out her son's closet, so that we could fill up Cael's!
We promise to keep you posted when we hear anything...keep those prayers coming!!