Thursday, April 29, 2010

Baking and Riding

Today we had a glimpse of being on a normal time schedule. Jay and I slept until 0630 and the boys slept until about 0730. It was wonderful! We spent the majority of the day preparing for a community garage sale on Saturday. We went room by room looking for things that we have not used in over a year and staged it in the dining room to be loaded up for the yard sale. Every move we do this, and I always think that we are really "trimming the fat" for the next move...yet we wind up on the other side of the move with still a lot of "stuff". About halfway through the afternoon, Campbell pulled out a train cake mold that we got for one of his birthdays. He asked so nicely if I would please make a I said, why not! I need to enjoy my time away from work, and what better way to enjoy it!? Baking for my boys (note Tucker eagerly waiting for someone to spill something).
After we finished preparing for the yard sale, we sat on the porch watching the boys play in the wagon. This wagon was Jay's when he was a little boy, and his Dad refinished it for Campbell several years ago. It is nice to see them both enjoying it so much!
Update on my dad: He's doing much better today! Moving around a little easier and is no longer taking any pain meds...just good ol' vitamin M (Motrin).
Tomorrow, Cael has his first appointment with the surgeon, so we are anxious to see what our medical schedule will hold in the coming weeks.
More to come!

1 comment:

  1. Praying his appointment went well - let us know! Looks like everyone is doing great :)
