Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Easter

Happy Easter, Everyone! He is Risen, Indeed!
We had a great time this weekend at my folks who will also be taking care of Tucker (the dog). My younger brother and his family were with us on Saturday and my older brother came over on Sunday (we missed our sister-in-law and younger cousin!) My Dad, the marathon bike rider wanted to get a good bike ride in before his surgery (Jay and I are training for the USMC Marathon and decided to run, instead) and it was a GORGEOUS day! The azaleas in Nacogdoches are in full bloom everywhere, so it really felt like spring (note the pictures).
My Dad, who is filling in as interim music minister in Center, lead the congregation through a moving banner presentation representing about 15 of the names of Christ...I was very emotional and cried through the whole thing (note the lack of make-up on my face). On the way home, we couldn't help but stop and get a picture of Cam is the Texas Bluebonnets. This will be his last picture in the wildflowers as an only child...this time tomorrow we will be boarding our first plane to SFO on our way to Beijing. We will be spending the night in the Bay Area where we will have met up with out new friends the Grahams and the Uliassis and will be with them through our adventures in Beijing. We will meet up with them, again, in Guangzhou and travel back to Chicago, where our children will first step foot on American soil (I can't forget to pack the American flags!!)
Today will be spent getting the house thoroughly cleaned, finish the packing, and check off the lists!
Our next post will most likely be from California, then from Beijing.
Please continue to pray for my father, as he is undergoing surgery as we speak, and that Enyi will NOT get sick from his immunizations.


  1. Thank you for the beautiful pictures. Please let us know how your father is doing. We continue to pray for him. Have a wonderful trip. Just a few more days and you will be blessed with another son. Love you all, Mom

  2. Beautiful pictures! You guys have a fantasic trip and we will be praying for all of you throughout your journey. Please keep us updated on your father as well. We will miss going with you guys, but we cannot wait to meet Enyi when you return!
