Sunday, March 3, 2013

Deep Thoughts!!

We had a very short night of sleep but, so far (at 0400) we are feeling pretty good...will probably ride on nervous energy for a while, today.

We fell asleep around 7:30 last night; I was awoken by screaming girls in the hallway around 9:30 and read until about 11:00. Then Jay got up around midnight to start working on his school paper. I dozed off and on until around 2:30 then I just decided to get up with him and be productive.
Breakfast is at 0630, so we just made some Starbucks Via in the room to tide us over until that time.

BIG DAY!!! I'm so nervous knowing that our lives are forever changed after this day is over. I woke up in the night thinking that this was the last night Kai would spend as an orphan:-) Then I really started reflecting on what adoption really means for each of us, as a child of God.

Webster's defines adoption as, "A legal proceeding that creates a parent-child relation between persons not related by blood; the adopted child is entitled to all privileges belonging to a natural child of the adoptive parents (including the right to inherit)."

When I think about the legal hoops that we have jumped through to complete this journey, it is very easy to get side-tracked into forgetting what the final result will be: A GOTCHA DAY! And a child that is forever part of our family...for better or for worse! It is then that I think about the tremendous sacrifice that God made, through his ONLY son...while were still rotten sinners!

According to Baker's Evangelical Dictionary, adoption is the "...act of leaving one's natural family and entering into the privileges and responsibilities of another...God is a father who graciously adopts believers in Christ into his spiritual family and grants them all the privileges of heirship. Salvation is much more than forgiveness of sins and deliverance from condemnation; it is also a position of great blessing".

So, along with the "privilege" of becoming a Ferland child, comes the responsibility for our son to have an honoring and loving relationship with his parents (and ultimately, a decent job that can support him outside of the Ferland nest, someday). Therefore, I also wanted to remind myself of my own spiritual GOTCHA DAY...and of the awesome privilege and responsibility that I have as an adopted child of God. I'm reminded to make my relationship with Him, honoring...and at the very least, more consistent. I hope you'll do the same!

Thanks for checking in on us! (and allowing me to run on here) ...I think the coffee is working!!

As a reminder of how long Kai has waited, here the picture from when he was brought into the orphanage...just a few more hours and I can actually hold him in my arms...I'm already an emotional wreck and hope he does not have to meet me with puffy swollen eyes!


  1. Thank you for sharing your beautiful thoughts with us. I look at the blog more than a dozen times a day. So excited to see more pictures of you both and this darling little guy. Mom/Linda

  2. Wow. What an amazingly beautiful post! Crying some tears for you, too!
