Tuesday, March 12, 2013

GZ Zoo and Local Park

Boy Oh Boy! Our travel group is dropping like flies with fever and congestion! We are religiously hand washing and trying to stay healthy, before we leave on Thursday. As a result, there was only two other people on the bus with us, today. Therefore, our guide gave us the option of doing something that would be more fun for the kids. So, we went to the Guangzhou Zoo.
While not as impressive as the Safari that we took on our last trip, it was just the ticket for a two-year-old who is just as pleased with the ducks in the pond as the Chinese Panda taking a soak in his personal hot tub or the Red Panda strolling in the gutter. We even paid the 10 Yuan to feed the giraffes...it was awesome!
Despite the Coke that we let Kai taste, he was exhausted on the bus ride home and there a couple of great pictures of him falling asleep next to Jay (notice him holding Jay's finger!)

After a nap, we ventured out to another one of the local parks...and to try one of the restaurants on the lake. Once again, we could not have asked for better weather on this trip. What a difference one month makes for travel (we were SOOO hot in April, during our last trip). In fact, rain is not expected until we leave!

Please take note of the birds in the cages. We could not help but notice that there were men with bird cages, everywhere! They were beautiful song-birds in beautiful cages and we thought that this is just how people in GZ, birdwatch. I asked one of the locals if I could take a picture of his bird and he agreed. His buddy had spent some time in California, so we struck up a conversation. It turns out that these were all fighting birds! GASP! They meet in this park, early in the morning, then make their way to at local "restaurant" to compete...I did NOT see that coming!
We wrapped up our walk with dinner at the Greenisland Western Restaurant (Yes. That is how they spell it). They offered up Angus beef and Foie Gras...but we opted for spaghetti and sautéed veggies and rice (If I'm having beef and duck liver, I will get it back home for a much better price).
Dinner was delicious, the company was grand, and the view was spectacular!

We ended the day with a bath since Kai has learned to LOVE bath time! And it seems that we will, indeed, adjust to the time difference just in time to leave! Tomorrow is our oath taking ceremony and the US Consulate. This appointment is what our entire travel schedule has been planned around. We basically go there, take an oath that we will never abandon or abuse our new son, then we can officially get his visa the following day and We-Are-Outta-Here!! We do plan to get to that medicine market, tomorrow, after the consulate. Until then...Good night!

1 comment:

  1. Loved the Zoo last time and it was HOT! Great to see bonding is gong well and hope everyone stays healthy for the rest of the trip. Praying you all. coy and joy

    PS: Olivia says to say hi to Cam for her.
